
Monday 30 July 2012

RTE News and Website Ignore Quinn Rally in Ballyconnell

If you visit the RTE  website you see no mention of the Quinn Rally which is not surprising. We could except nothing better from them. They are the State controlled media machine  and it  is  loosing the PR game they have staged ruthlessly against hard working people over the past 2 years in the Cavan/Fermanagh border areas.

We will not be silenced and we thank everyone who came and supported us in this JUST fight.

Even if Anglo/State take every penny the Quinn Family have we will raise the money to fight  this injustice in the courts of Ireland  and  if we fail there we will then go to European Court of Human Rights.

 It's easy for Anglo to bring court cases and appeal after appeal as it is run by a  bunch of foreigners who care nothing for Ireland but take it's money and spend whatever they want to spend with no questions asked.

We will never STOP until we get justice.

Anglo/Government/Dublin media thought they had the softies in the border area under their thumbs but what a surprise to them all when over 5000 people took to the streets of Ballyconnell coming from all parts of Ireland demanding justice. Not several thousand, or 3000 or 4000, over 5000 and if they don't believe it check with the local Gardai in Ballyconnell. The pictures alone in today's media show the crowds that attended.

If you read the forums and blogs Anglo/Government PR teams are hard at work to discredit everyone who attended the Rally. This includes every man woman and child on the streets  of Ballyconnell on Sunday 29th July.

Insulting remarks published about GAA County Managers  who spoke at the Rally are remarkable and we have no place in our society for the warped minds of individuals who wrote such insulting remarks against one prominent manager in particular.

Let us once again state " We cannot be SILENCED no matter how much money  and power is used against us"

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