
Monday 17 December 2012

Fermanagh GAA County Convention pledges support for Sean Quinn

SEAN QUINN, WHO is currently in jail, received a pledge of support from a GAA convention this week.
Delegates at Fermanagh GAA Convention passed a resolution in support of Quinn and his family on Monday 10 December.
The convention said:
Sean Quinn and the Quinn Group has been a very generous supporter of the Fermanagh GAA family for a long time and his exceptional innovative skills have brought great benefits to all Fermanagh people.
Delegates also expressed their concern regarding the future of employment under the direction of the current management who now control the Quinn Group.
Fermanagh GAA concluded by expressing their best wishes to Sean and his family at this time and “hope that 2013 will bring a favourable conclusion for the Quinn family in their present difficulties”.
Quinn, who was at one time the richest man in Ireland, was sentenced to nine weeks in jail on 2 November by the High Court for contempt of court. The 66-year-old’s son, Seán Jr, was also found in contempt and was recently released after serving his three-month sentence. His nephew, Peter Darragh Quinn, was also found guilty but avoided jail by travelling to Northern Ireland.
Seán Quinn has asked if he can be let out of jail to attend his granddaughter’s christening on 22 December on compassionate grounds.
A number of rallies in support of the Quinns have been held this year in the town of Ballyconnell in Cavan, where Quinn once owned companies that created jobs in the area.

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