
Thursday 13 December 2012

Concerned Irish Citizens
Ballinamore, Co. Leitrim
Tel: 086 1547788
7th December 2012
Re: Public Meeting
A Chara,
Following on from the Public Meeting held last Sunday night, which you had been invited to, and was attended by over 300 people, we now list the questions they want answers to within the next two weeks.
1. Liberty promised that the jobs were safe for at least 2 years but after 1 year and 1 day, 285 people will lose their jobs. Since being forced into administration, what will this bring the total job losses to at Quinn Insurance/Liberty?
2. Who was consulted when the Head Office of the Quinn Group business was moved from Derrylin to Dublin and the head office of the plastics being moved to Belgium?
3. Since the act of putting Quinn Insurance into administration will ultimately result in the citizens of Ireland being burdened by billions of Euros, (a) we now call on you to provide a copy of the legal/professional advice that the Financial Regulator relied upon. (b) Why is there still no clarity on the issue of the alleged cross guarantees? (c) Why is there now a call on up to €1.65 billion on the ICF when the administrators went before a High Court for several months after administration and stated that there would be no call on the ICF? (d) The Quinn Family has offered to appear before a Dáil Committee to discuss this matter. This being the case, why have all relevant parties not been summoned to account?
4. Anglo stated that they “only seize properties as a last resort when mediation has occurred and when the debt is deemed unsustainable”. (a) Since the Mediation Act 2012 requires solicitors & barristers to: (i) suggest mediation services as a first option; (ii) the Law insists that clients be provided with contact details of qualified mediators; (iii) Courts will require that Mediation has been explained and recommended to clients;  Has Mediation been offered to both parties in this dispute and if not, why not?   (b) Why was the Quinn Group seized when neither the Quinn Group nor the Quinn family were insolvent? (c) The Minister for Finance has stated that he had no involvement in the appointment of a share receiver to Quinn Group. We need clarification on whether the decision was approved at cabinet?  (d) Did the Government sanction the appointment of share receivers to the Quinn group on the basis of the debt of €445 million or the alleged debt of €2.8billion? (e) Why was the legitimacy of the alleged debt not established beyond doubt in a court of law prior to the Quinn Group being seized? (f) Why are all the legal actions proceeding at enormous cost to the taxpayer when that matter has yet to be ruled on?
(g) Did the Bondholders take a hit in the Anglo “Deal” and if so, please provide details?

6. Who currently owns the Quinn Group and what job-protection measures remain in place? Important measures were put in place at the time of the take-over but these appear to have been ignored in all respects at the moment. How many people have lost their jobs, been offered redeployment in distant locations, etc., since the companies were taken from Quinn family?
7. How much has been spent on removing the entire senior and many of the middle management team and other personnel who built the Group and why were gagging orders imposed and is this legal?

8. What accountability is in place for the disposal of Group assets and what checks and balances are in place? Recently a dumper was allegedly disposed of for a total of £6,000, while the tyres alone were worth several times more that the machine. Is it the case that the purchaser of the machine is the brother-in-law of one of the newly appointed senior managers of the company?
9. What is the total expenditure on security since the takeover?
10. Why was the community not consulted in advance of the installation of a highly sensitive camera system on the top of the pre-heater at Cement? This camera can view and record all activity, private and commercial, for miles around. Is this not an infringement of civil liberties, did they get planning permission for it and who has access to the information contained within it?
11. The Quinn family submitted a 7 year business plan which was approved by Deutsche Bank, which offered €2.8 billion, plus a commitment to create 1700 additional jobs but this offer was inappropriately discarded in favour of a strategy which is unlikely to ever see any return for the people of Ireland.
(a)  At whose behest was this proposal rejected? (b) How much public money has been spent on the current strategy in legal fees, PR etc? (c) How much has been recouped? (d) How much has been recouped from the sale of Quinn Health?

12.  The Quinn's were said to owe Anglo €2.8 billion in 2010. Anglo seized the Guinn Group valued at €4.3 billion, numerous valuable properties including Buswell’s Hotel, Slieve Russell Hotel, numerous Dublin pubs etc. How does it make sense that Quinn's are still said to owe €2.8 billion?

The fact that there are pending court cases does not interfere with your ability to ask the above questions and demand answers.  It is in the best interest of our country that these questions are now answered and we await your immediate response.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours sincerely,

Maureen Martin

Maureen Martin

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