
Monday 3 December 2012

Observation's From Last Nights Meeting

We received this in a comment so I put it on the main page.

The meeting was very well attended despite the fact it was not that well-advertised.
Nobody I presume really wanted a lynching of TD's, Senators and Councilors so it was kept low key.

The few brave politicians who ventured into the border region do deserve some praise as the Governments backed media machine failed  to suppress the voice of honest citizens fighting a corrupt system that no one wants to admit exists.

The meeting started with a very interesting letter from Dennis Doogan a past employee of Quinn Group. I now see this letter published on-line so all can read for themselves.

Dennis clears up many unanswered questions and it seems the future of the Quinn Group is questionable as it is now run by accountants from a Dublin office who lack any understanding of how a manufacturing company works. The disastrous decisions of sending cement to the UK by bulk carriers loaded onto barges and transported up the Thames to a Kent port, unloaded and stored in silo’s, only now to find that the largest cement manufacturer in the UK and Ireland has cut prices making the whole exercise something like a Laural and Hardy movie. This is just one of the great decisions present day management are making.

Nevertheless regarding the politicians who attended where have I heard it all before and some single person must be writing the scripts for these so called elected representatives as the same old story never changes. They forget that they are elected by the people and seem to think that attending meetings is all they have to do. 

Everyone in business knows well that meetings have to take place to sort out issues but meeting for the sake of meeting would not be tolerated by any company as any company wants results from these meetings. The politicians favorite word these days is our “collogues” in Northern Ireland or our collogues in Europe and one rubbing the back of the other makes the stomach churn which seemed the norm last night. I had to hold back a few time from not running to the toilet listening to them. Yet we heard last night what they had done and how they worked tirelessly with fellow collogues but as someone said in the audience “perhaps they lack any clout and feel more important in the system than they really are”

I even overheard one councilor say under his breath when the meeting changed direction about unanswered question sent to Minister Noonan “we came here about jobs not about Anglo or bondholders or anything else” failing to realize that the issue about jobs is all about what happened Sean Quinn. If the powers that be had only listened they whole thing could have being sorted for €150 million, small money when you now see what now has happened.

In hindsight I now feel that the former minister of Finance Mr. Brian Lenihan would have done a deal but was stopped, probably by Mr.Elderfield with his own private vested reasons and the senior civil servants who really hated Sean Quinn guts.

The corrupt system must not be touched one elegant speaker said  last night whose name I cannot recall  “Sean Quinn was the fall guy” The system would not allow one man destroy it so they set out to destroy Sean Quinn. They forgot one thing in trying to destroy Sean Quinn that he will not go easily and by putting him in jail was the biggest mistake they ever make. You cannot destroy TRUTH, by all means you can suppress it using the judiciary but sooner or later TRUTH bursts forth and demands an answer.

Sadly I must say “that unless there is a major reversal of disastrous decisions made quickly the companies founded by Sean Quinn on the stretch of road stretching from Ballyconnell to Derrylin will be no more. The same with Liberty Insurance in Enniskillen and Cavan. They don’t want the tarnished name of association with Anglo and Quinn Group and will sail into the sunset with Irish Taxpayers money sooner than later.

Perhaps it’s now too late to save the Quinn Group in the border region and come two years’ time even less what will be left if anything?  Is it just a matter of saving face now by Anglo otherwise would it be shut months ago?

Come the budget and a 15% increase in Car Tax will the media and Mr. E.Kenny blame Sean Quinn as they did for the Levy on Insurance. Probably

1 comment:

3christian3 said...

Interesting that they did not want to hear about Noonan's lie. It appears that it is considered acceptable to lie to the people of Ireland, those who pay their fat salaries.

Accountability and transparency my ar..