
Friday 30 May 2014

Delusional Paul

A letter written by Paul O Brien and sent to all employees was amazing in its misconceptions; it looks as though it is time he took a long rest as the pressure is obviously getting to him, not least in his belief that falling market shares across all sectors actually constitute growth.

“OUR businesses are owned by financial investors”. Is this not a clear contradiction? Throughout the letter Paul refers to “us” and “we” – anyone unfamiliar would think the company is run with community spirit and a sense of togetherness – employee and employer in it together. How far is that from the reality of the company under the current despot?

His references to the local economy and local community are ludicrous, considering he and his team have relentlessly tried to destroy our communities by bullying and intimidation. He had no hesitation in getting rid of local employees in order to employ his best man and so many others from outside the area. How many of his new managers are local? None!! 

“The Aventas Group operated....before and since the change of ownership in April 2011”. Paul dear, Aventas did not exist in 2011 and hopefully it will not exist for much longer!

He refers to the fact that “good reputations are hard won and ….... cannot be easily regained.” A fact that we are only too well aware of. As are we aware of the uphill struggle whoever takes over the group will face after years of missed orders and safety problems.

These are only a few of the misrepresentations in the letter but the one we would like proof of (since anyone working in the area can easily see that it’s a lie) is “significant increases..... in all parts of the business”. Any figures published show losses and by comparison with the figures released by Grafton, Kingspan and CRH are a total disgrace and a shame for current management. The recession is not to blame and neither is the undesirable sabotage... just bad and inexperienced managers.

Accountants were never able to run manufacturing businesses and those who put them in to do so have a sin to answer for.

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