
Wednesday 14 May 2014


We received the highlighted comment about the  renaming of Quinn Glass which certainly came from management. As usual it's anonymous. If you don't have the guts to put  your name on your comment we don't give you any hearing on here. You can run instead to your media poodles in Dublin.

He fails to mention the many major issues and costs of re-branding  in his comment  but we are well aware that anything can be done if you throw enough money at it.

This will be a very expensive process for Quinn Glass and not just  removing the Q from  the bottles which is doubtful it can be done properly as it would effect the structure of the moulds. This will not be done.  You also have to change all the label printers and computer programs etc. All for what?

There would be no glass factory in Derrylin if Sean Quinn had not started it.  Most of the people who are now against Sean Quinn he gave them a job in the first place. He put his money where his mouth is and trained the forestery workers and garage go-for's  to make glass at great expense.

The fancy brochure issued on the day of the name change was all Sean Quinn's Vision made reality.  You just commented on what he created. Nothing new except fancy pictures and blank pages and strange colours.

Management at Quinn Glass "you should all be ashamed of yourself getting into bed with Paul O'Brien".

We are hearing the workers feel they were sold out by Management but sadly they will do nothing about it just waiting on someone to do it for them. Well you are on your own.

Will a Glass factory exist in five years in Derrylin? Probably not. Derrylin will be closed and Elton will be the only factory. That will be sold as well and the workers would get nothing while the Management sail off with the  loot.

It's a long road that has no turning and  the border community are very well aware what you are doing stealing the glass company because not one of you have the vision or the brains to  do what Sean Quinn  was able to do.

Your day of reckoning will come and what you have done to our community and  how you betrayed the MAN who gave you jobs in the first place will never be forgotten. Your names will hang on the column of shame forever.

If not for Sean Quinn where would any of you be today, certainly you would not be  in the Townland of Tonymore stealing a company from a man who  started it all.

Shame on you all.

It looks like you aren't aware of how the Q on the bottle is formed, but I can assure you that everyone in the glass 
making business does. All tools for making bottles have the Q beveled into the metal mould. 
This means the metal mould has the Q engraved out so when the hot glass runs into the text in the 
mould that the Q is formed. Everyday the moulds are sent to the repair shop to have repairs done and 
it would be at that point that the repair team would just fill in and polish out the Q making it disappear. 
This is not an expensive thing to do but it would be time consuming. You probably won't publish this comment 
but at least you have been educated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here Here !!!! Shame on all the traitors. People who never did anything for anybody. Remember the Talents , Brains and Drive that is Sean Quinn was the catalyst for developing the business in the first place. The current void of these artributes will end in the guaranteed demise of this Group. The fake that is O Brien will be forever be a blight on the Group.... Bondholders wake up and cut a deal before your incompetent puppet single handlly destroys it.
