
Thursday 1 May 2014

We must support this bid for the Quinn businesses

Published: 1 May 2014 13:00
Impartial Reporter
Dear Madam - I have been involved in businesses in the Cavan / Fermanagh border area for the last forty years, as was my father and grandfather before me. I managed my father’s pub in Ballyconnell in 1974 and after spending 20 years in business in Killesher Co.Fermanagh I now own businesses in Ballyconnell, Belturbet, and Ballinamore.
In the early days I can remember a lot of hard times – no jobs, no money, no housing, emigration, coupled with the bitterness and despair brought upon us by the troubles – bombings, border security, carnage and deaths in our local area.
It was also during this time Sean Quinn started to build his empire and the hard times and despair blossomed into jobs, money, housing and a fair share of peace. Because of this my business along with all other businesses in the area grew and we all helped to provide peace and prosperity.
Quinn always said, and I fully agree, the prosperity was brought about not just through his expertise but the sweat and blood and labours of his workers and the local community. We all created the environment and prosperity and over the period of time jobs were handed from parents to children. These jobs became the birthright of our children and were to be handed on for generations to come. Our community never asked for any help and we didn’t receive any help. In the early days the only thing that made the headlines were the paratroopers and the potholes. But this was our country and we were proud of it.
We were all devastated when Quinn was dethroned in 2011. He had transferred this potholed ridden countryside into a beautiful industrial oasis. What was once one of the poorest parts of Ireland had become one of the wealthiest.
Quinn Insurance was eventually sold for a single euro to Liberty and hundreds of jobs were lost. Quinn Group was divided between Anglo Irish Bank and the bond holders and Paul O’ Brien was made CEO.
The Cavan / Fermanagh / Leitrim Community Group was formed and we were and still are the only group to meet all the parties in the Quinn saga.
Surely the loyal staff who supported the company through thick and thin, right up to this day, deserve better than to be flogged of to the highest bidder. The plastic factory, for instance, has practically all its customer base sourced outside the country and its plant is only bolted to the floor. What is going to stop a British or German company moving the entire lot over to their country?
We cannot let this happen. Some of our group met again recently, excited by the entrance of Quinn Business Retention Company into the bidding for the entire Aventas Group. The QBRC consists of ex Quinn Group senior management who were responsible for the creation of over 6,000 jobs of which 2,500 were in the local border area. During their tenure, which saw several recessions, not one person was ever made redundant. We have no doubt this company will have the support of all local communities, staff and customers and have the ability and expertise to restore peace and jobs back in the border region.
We need a fresh approach. An opportunity doesn’t often present itself twice. All our businesses are crying out for peace and stability. Do more jobs have to be lost, will all the factories be burnt to the ground or worse will someone get killed before common sense prevails? It doesn’t matter who started the war, whether it was the military style ousting of Quinn or the vandals intent on destroying all. Like all wars innocent civilians are getting caught on the crossfire and this has to stop.
We came out in our thousands to support the Quinn family and maybe its time to come out again. All of the main players have left the stage – Quinn, Dukes, Elderfield, Aynsley and others. We must put the company back into the hands of those who can run it and into the hands of the local community. Every local politician and business should get behind this bid. All we want is to recreate the oasis we have enjoyed for the last 40 years.
Yours faithfully,
Padraig Donohoe

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