
Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Gutter Press "The Sun"

When you see a newspaper condemning the Quinn family that they need £3k to buy subway sandwiches you really know they the media have hit the bottom.

The SUN  owned by Rupert Murdoch was the gutter press  for decades in the UK where they won  elections for whichever political party they backed . Now that is some power to have. Thanks to the powers that be that this is no longer the case and they are  in court for hacking phones of everyone from the layman in the street to government ministers. Even hacking the phones of the parents of  murdered children. Now the editors and staff and owners are before the courts and will probably get jail  for what they did that's if Mr Murdoch cannot buy off the judiciary with his billions. So I would not take much notice what that paper writes.

 Mr Murdoch, has been shunned by political leaders since the phone-hacking scandal erupted

The SUN was always a gutter press and when it cam to Ireland the rest of the media soon followed their example but the good news is that daily sales of newspapers are falling  and soon they will be gone and the sooner the better.

Don't buy the Sun that will soon sort them out or any of the other newspapers that are oppressing the working class of this country. You can read it all on-line so so need to spend your money to read the PR of  fraudulent bankers and failed politicians.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Incredible points. Sound arguments. Keep up the amazing spirit.

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