
Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Why are the Bondholders/Financiers so Vindictive?

Over 40 years ago, when Sean Quinn started in business the border region was a sad, desolate place with very little employment. Football teams were starved of players through emigration, families were decimated by the same scourge. Sean Quinn started with all local workers and industries soon flourished. Initially there was little support from Governments or politicians but the workforce prospered with each new development. It was a parochial success story and when Anglo moved in, it was the annihilation of dreams throughout the region. For the past few years people waited in anticipation of Quinn businesses being returned to him or at least to local people who would restore it to its former glory. Every dilution of the businesses was met with horror, disgust and anger.

The announcement that QBRC were making a bid for the CIS division was met with euphoria; there was a possibility the employment could be maintained after a few years of devastation. As the months went by and no deal signed, disillusion set in again. However this was intensified as people began to suspect that there was something else going on. Who was holding up the deal? Paul O Brien and current managers or the owners-- the bondholders and financiers? Were they using the QBRC gentlemen to keep things peaceful until they would sell other industries?

These suspicions were confirmed by the sale of Radiators, announced without any consultation. Now Glass is officially for sale BUT and here is the greatest insult to the workers who built it and the people who were involved in it. They WERE NOT ALLOWED TO KNOW ABOUT IT OR BID FOR IT. The sale was not advertised in local or NATIONAL papers. A number of selected companies/ individuals were sent details of the sale. The information was sent to selected trade buyers, owners of glass companies, hedge funds, banks and other financiers but kept from local knowledge even though it was built, grown, managed and succeeded with a local workforce.

This is the greatest act of treachery and victimisation of the area that has been perpetrated as yet and there have been many. Why are the Banks and Bondholders so vindictive, so evil, so disparaging of our area and workers? It is purely malicious, wrong and provocative.

They are using QBRC to maintain peace for them to scorn our pride in what we created and in the light of the latest accounts from Aventas DESTROY it. People like this care little about jobs in our area. Is it any wonder that anger, bitterness, a sense of injustice is at an all time high?

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