Now is the time to have a full investigation into what went on when Regulator appointed a bunch of novices to run the most profitable insurance company in Ireland.
Grant Thornton had no experience of the insurance business so it's no wonder that it is now in the mess it is.
They even admitted this.
The insurance business is highly regulated so how is it that someone with no experience of the business can be sent in to make such a mess like they did.
Serious questions need answering "where has the money gone"?
The Government can no longer sit on the fence on this corruption. It's time for Noonan to act.
It is absolutely outrageous that the citizens of Ireland should be expected to tolerate further taxes and cuts in this year's budget while the unnecessary squandering of hundreds of millions of euros of taxpayers money in Anglo's strategy on Quinn is sanctioned by the Government with absolutely no transparency or accountability.
The people of Ireland needs answers from the GOvernment and how do we know that there will be no more money needed from the ICF.
How do we know either that more of our money will not have to be pumped into the Quinn Group under current management?
Accountability, honesty, transparency-that is what this Government was elected on so where are the answers?
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