I am sure Anglo the Government and Judge Dunne were 100% certain
Sean Quinn would appeal to the Supreme Court but Sean Quinn put off the threat
that Anglo was hanging over him for years by going straight to jail. Judge Dunne
deliberately gave Sean 9 weeks in jail as she was sure that would be enough for
him to lodge an appeal.
If not she could have given him a week or even a month but 9 weeks
she thought would be enough to get him out of her sight and straight to the
Supreme Court.
Now that took them all by surprise because the last thing in the
world they wanted was Sean Quinn in jail.
What now for Anglo do they really think that he will work with
them every again. They screwed him in buying their own shares and every day
since they took his company they have screwed him again and again.
Already Anglo have spent nearly €200 million in fighting the
Quinn Family and keeping the Quinn Group fed with money as they are desperate
to save face.
They keep putting their stooges in
front of the TV cameras with the same old rhetoric about gambling on shares but
even now the dogs on the street now know the true story.
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