Let’s see how Paul responds to this allegation
and the general public deserve an answer.
This a very serious issue which I will now
relate and the general public can be the judge?
Quinn Glass manufacture container glass for
large bottling companies such as Diageo. They get no bigger than Diageo which
are probably the largest drinks company in the world and which Quinn Glass rely
heavily on for orders to keep a large
workforce in employment. With this in mind would you try cut off the hand that feeds
you? It looks like the present management are doing just that.
Quinn Glass containers are manufactured
using a batch system which can be anything from 10 thousand bottles up to
millions of bottles. Manufacturing companies always like to have long production
runs as it cuts down on job change. Starting a new production line is very time
consuming and expensive which presently is causing severe problems for Quinn Glass.
All batch jobs have works orders and each
bottle is laser marked for identity and should anything go wrong it can be
easily traced back through the works order number. If something is found to be
faulty the complete batch is recalled. One such batch order job was processed and despatched to Diageo. This batch took months to complete. It's every company’s
worst nightmare when the customer finds a fault in a product and they return it
to the manufacturing plant. It can easily break a company.
We all can remember the horse meat scandal.
All products were recalled and destroyed.
As the bottles were for a drink product for public
consumption, companies like Diageo take no chances when something is not
correct and returned the full batch to Derrylin. Quinn Glass was then supposed
to destroy and recycle this returned glass.
They would have to do a new production run to replace what
was returned.
Well that is the way it is supposed to
happen but Quinn Glass took a different route.
Adrian Curry (former Quinn Glass Director under
Sean Quinn) but who was demoted to senior management by Paul O'Brien went to see
Diageo on a business meeting looking to get more sales and better prices. When
he entered the business meeting and after the normal good mornings etc., he was
presented with a letter from a member of staff in Quinn Glass written to Diageo.
This staff member must have being disgusted at what Quinn Glass had fraudulently
done and wrote to Diageo and told them the full story about what happened. Diageo
informed Mr Curry this would be the first item on the agenda for urgent
You can only image the look on Adrian’s face
to be found out. Quinn Glass had committed a fraudulent act and instead of
destroying the faulty batch they just removed the wrapping from the pallets and
put new labels on the goods and shipped them back to Diageo a second time well
known what they were doing was illegal and a danger to the Health and Safety of
the general public.
Well Diageo after receiving the letter returned
the second batch and this cost the company millions and put at risk all future
business dealings with Diageo. We have to wait and see what Diageo will do
Mr Curry highly embarrassed hops on a plane right
after the meeting back to Derrylin, County Fermanagh for an urgent meeting with
Paul O'Brien and other senior management and spent 2 days in Derrylin trying to
find out who wrote the letter.
At a employees general meeting a few days
later Mr Paul O’Brien turns up spitting fire and brimstone about how some
person had embarrassed Adrian Curry and put the company at risk with writing
such a letter. Instead of being apologetic he was determined to weed them out
whoever wrote this letter. (Another witch hunt on-going)
Now judge for yourselves what type of people
you are dealing with in the present Quinn Group Management and bear in mind
your own Health and Safety.
Another of Quinn Group companies manufacture
a product that every household in the country use "Butter Tubs" Are
any shortcuts happening there?
Can we trust
Paul O'Brien and his management to safeguard our Health and Safety after what
happened at Quinn Glass and Quinn Cement?
Why is Paul
O'Brien still allowed to be CEO of a company where he has no respect for Health
and Safety in the work place or for the containers he produces which we eat and
drink from supplied by Quinn Group Manufacturing?
I work in it get Sean back safe the place get top men like o'brine curry an we noel out who does not care once they get there big bonus that is all they care about get Sean back to kick them down the road
What an absolute disgrace! Quinn would never have allowed this kind of thing to happen under his control. It just shows where Paul O Brien's priorities (not to mention his morality)lie, when he is more concerned with the letter-writer's identity, than the fraudulence of the company, against it's biggest customer. Shame on you Mr O Brien!! You're really showing your true colours now!
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