
Sunday, 14 September 2014

Cement dust now a serious problem for residents in Ballyconnell and surrounding areas.

Is anyone at Aventas now monitoring the high dust levels from Quinn Cement?

Ballyconnell is getting  covered daily with this fine dust which must  be a serious health risk as such fine particles entering the lungs will have serious respiratory problems  for many, now or even at a later date.

Windows and cars are  now covered  with  this fine dust. You cannot leave your windows  open as this dust is everywhere. Lately this is a huge problem and no one seems to care or try and get it stopped at Aventas.

The environmental agency  will now be contacted about this serious issue as Quinn Cement  under Aventas Management have  lost complete control of this project.

We call upon Aventas Management to urgently review this dust emissions and rectify this problem as a matter of urgency.

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