
Wednesday, 8 October 2014


The failure to finalise the QBRC deal has caused much anxiety in the border counties over the past few weeks but unfortunately it reached fever pitch this weekend with the speculation that the completion date has been postponed again.

 It is well known that Paul O Brien, Kieran Leonard and other personnel in Aventas do not want the deal to go through but for some months locals trusted that the Bondholders were going to finish the deal begun in the springtime. Now people doubt that fact!

The Bondholders are both buyers and sellers; they are the bosses, independent of Aventas.

• Why then don't they put an end to the sale of assets? Approximately 4 million received for assets that would have to be replaced at a cost of 24 million.

• Why are they allowing customers to be turned away with bad service?

• Why are customers being given massive write downs on debt if they pay a small percentage of what they owe before QBRC come on board?

• Why are they overseeing the introduction of a new bonus scheme for Mc Tigue, O Brien, Donnelly and Leonard? A bonus scheme being paid out of a company of which they, themselves, are directors.

• Why are they allowing huge salary increases for favoured staff members?

• Why are they allowing resources to be depleted completely and the buying of materials from competitors?

• Most importantly why are they antagonising neighbours with noise and dust pollution and with cameras, which are infringing on the privacy of local families? This was tolerated recently in the belief that QBRC would respect them when they took over.

The issue causing most deliberation over the weekend was what are the Bondholders intending to do---- can they be trusted?

Are they simply procrastinating in order to sell the Glass factories furtively?

They were the main recipients when Anglo duped Sean Quinn; are they duping the men in QBRC?
I dread to think of the consequences if they act sneakily.

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