In the Bible we all remember the story how Judas betrayed Jesus
for 30 pieces of silver. Most people when they read this often wonder how he
did that to his friend. At least when he realized what he had done he did the decent thing.
You may ask yourself could such a thing happen now and the
answer is yes.
That what happens allocated Capex spend in Quinn Group now under Aventas management. They offer the 30 pieces of silver from the Capex and nameless Judas's take
the 30 pieces of silver and its equivalent in today’s world and have it as a bonus.
That’s leaves the Capex short and the job not completed, but
the men who take these 30 pieces of silver don’t do what Judas did after
betraying their friends.
everyone knows who they are
plenty of judas around licking aventas asses
how do you tell your children i betrayed my community or have a child in the playground tell your son or daughter your dad is judas
This type of intimidation just makes people stronger!
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