
Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Now you see how your TAX is getting spent.

Below is just a few of the parties that McCann Fitzgerald solicitors have represented over the past number of years.  They must feel litigation is easier when they represent as many sides as possible!

Note, that the huge bills they rack up on behalf of their clients (Anglo, the Financial Regulator, the Central Bank, Quinn Insurance, Joint Administrators of Quinn Insurance, the Special Liquidator of the IBRC, Kiernan Wallace & Eamonn Richardson) are all ultimately been paid for by the taxpayer.

McCann Fitzgerald bill hundreds of Euro per hour, all paid for by the taxpayer.
The Financial Regulator / Central Bank

·         Provided Legal Advice to Financial Regulator concerning Quinn CfDs in Anglo June 2008;

·         Represented the Financial Regulator in their application to place Quinn Insurance into Administration, March 2010;

·         Advised the Central Bank on the liquidation of the IBRC in February 2013;

The Joint Administrators of QIL
·         Have been representing the Administrators in the regular uncontested updates to the  Court on the Administration of Quinn Insurance from March 2010 to date;

·         Advised the Administrators on the sale Quinn Insurance to Liberty & Anglo (also a client);

Quinn Insurance (in Administration)
·         Representing Quinn Insurance in their against PwC;

·         Representing Quinn Insurance in the Non-Party Discovery  in the Ciara Quinn & Others –v-IBRC & Others, case 2011/4336P;

Anglo Irish Bank
·         Representing Anglo in the Ciara Quinn & Others –v- IBRC & Others 2011/4336P – The Main case;

·         Representing Anglo in the IBRC & Others –v- Ciara Quinn & Others, 2011/5843P The Conspiracy Case;

·         Advised Anglo on their acquisition of 49% of Quinn Insurance (also represented the Joint Administrators on the same sale);

Kiernan Wallace & Eamonn Richardson – The Special Liquidators of IBRC
·         Conducted a review whether to sue KPMG for negligence in relation to their Auditing of Irish Nationwide Building Society;

Anglo Irish Bank’s former Directors

·         Representing former Anglo Irish Bank Directors, Ned Sullivan, Gerard McGann, Michael Jacob, Anne Heraty, Fintan Drury and Noël Harwerth, in the Ciara Quinn & Others v The Irish Central Bank & Others case, 2013/14106P – The Neary Case;

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