
Friday, 20 July 2012

No Justice For Quinn's in Ireland

It is now clear that Anglo Irish  Bank can tell a Judge of the High Court in Ireland what sentence they want applied whenever a member of the Quinn family comes before them. Quinn's have no chance of ever getting a fair hearing  in Ireland.  The judiciary is bought and sold by a corrupt bank, failed politicians and Jurassic senior civil servants. After all  you only have to ask who appointed them so what can we expect? Let us not forget these officials are on 20 times the average salary plus €100,000,000 spent of Taxpayers money on court cases all over the world.  No BBC Spotlight program or Prime Time investigation into that.

The people of the border area of Cavan/Fermanagh and surrounding counties will not stand ideally by and let the most corrupt bank in Ireland's history make a mockery of the justice system in Ireland  and make criminals of just and upright people who worked hard all their lives to bring employment and prosperity to a once impoverished border area.

Enough is enough but it just goes to show that Anglo are prepared to jail all of the Quinn's in Kangaroo courts in Dublin for protecting their own property.

Let us not forget that the ownership of these assets  is still  not ascertained and all Anglo wants  is too ensure that the Quinn's are discredited before this big court case begins. They will never want the true facts seeing the light of day.  But justice will be done and who will pay for the outrageous  behaviors of the failed politician Alan Dukes who now thinks he can walk over the people of the border area.

After all he said any "investment west of Dunshaughlin is a risk". That shows the mentality of this man.

1 comment:

3christian3 said...

Judiciary, Anglo and Gov are piga all feeding from the same trough. The truth will have to come out one way or another, This is not just an assault on the Quinn family but on every family from border counties. It;s time for action now.