
Thursday 20 March 2014

OBrien Away with The Faires or is he smoking Whacky Tobacco??

O’Brien tells Foster no discussions at moment or offer from local consortium

Published: 20 Mar 2014 14:000 comments
THE chief executive of the Aventas Group has said that no discussions are scheduled to take place between it and the local consortium aiming to make a bid to buy the former Quinn empire.

Paul O’Brien, group chief executive officer Aventas.<<
Paul O’Brien was speaking following a meeting with Enterprise Minister Arlene Foster.
Last month, it emerged that a group of businessmen, including the former managing director of Fisher Engineering, Ernie Fisher, were working on a plan to purchase the Derrylin and Ballyconnell based company once owned by Sean Quinn.
And their proposals – seen by The Impartial Reporter - have received the backing of eight former Quinn executives, including former Chief Executive Liam McCaffrey.
But Mr O’Brien played down the bid during his meeting this week with the Fermanagh-south Tyrone MLA.
“I took the opportunity to dispel recent rumours that an offer has been made for the Group and confirmed to the Minister that no discussions whatever are currently taking place or planned in this respect,” he said.
The Impartial Reporter understands that if the consortium were to make a formal bid for the company they would need to offer at least £600 million.


Anonymous said...

Open the books lets see what it is really worth.
Perhaps you can hide behind "Its commercially sensitive" statement(LOL)

Anonymous said...

Well said Anonymous. It is high time that the workers stood up to this madness. They cannot leave it all to QBRC.

Anonymous said...

Its so obvious o Brien is in bed with Kevin Lagan. He wants to hand the assets of the Quinn Group, (hard earned and put together by Sean Quinn) to his friend and once fellow director Kevin Lagan for little or numeration. He than tries everything in his power obstruct other genuine attempts to purchase the group. Why would he do that ? Do the owners /bond holders realise to the fullest extent what O Brien is up to ?

Anonymous said...

Quinn Group is useless to anyone except the local community.
Before you would buy you would want to know where you could get raw material from. Some hope of that, an outsider is an outsider and they are not wanted especially when a bank that broke the country is involved. Get the message "Not Wanted".

Anonymous said...

Who does O brien think he is fooling. he is bad business man and doesn't know how the Quinn group runs. Only by bringing Liam and his team back will be the only way that this company will survive. Out you go Paul, you have done enough damage, come back Sean, you are the only one that can turn things around.