
Monday 5 May 2014

Nothing Much Social About Working In That Place

We feel sorry for the poor workers at Quinn Group who have to work there but also now live under a draconian regime. When you watch the news  and see similar stories from Egypt and Turkey you may say how lucky we are to have free speech. You may often wonder do we really but not so at Quinn Group anymore it appears.

If you work there you are not allowed to comment or hit the like button  on any article that is attacking the present management no matter what they do or get published through the media poodles on any social media sites.

Last week HR issued a seven page document full of waffle and also  an Internal Memo. The remarkable thing about this Memo is that no one had the guts to sign it. How strange but perhaps not?

It just came from the dreaded Gestapo (called Human Resources) Now most workers in most companies have little time for HR and I am sure they will treat it the same way as so much other  waffle that is issued by HR. Is it not time for HR stand up  for the workers? "It would certainly make a change in any company".

Thanks  all courageous workers who sent use copies. We very much appreciate it. You are brave people and not afraid to stand up and be counted.

The paragraph where "if they suspect you of writing something is very alarming as they can demand your username and password and  if you refuse you could be sacked". We are pretty sure if you refused "you would be sacked".

Social media is now ok as long as you praise the corrupt and hate all those who are fighting for the TRUTH.

We are only publishing  page two of the seven page documents as it contains the punishment that will be handed out  plus the Internal Memo as the rest is not worth your precious time reading it.

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