
Monday 5 May 2014

What they did to Tom Gilmartin they also are now doing the same to Sean Quinn and His Family.

Wow! So many parallels with what was done to Sean Quinn for not being one of the "inside boys". And to think that Sean Quinn and his son are the only ones to have been sent to jail. Some day hopefully this will be the Quinns telling their story and no doubt it will be said "How could we have let this happen?" Interesting story too about some of the media being "bought off".

Comment from the Facebook Page:

 Tom Gilmartins son was on late late show recently and no doubt but their story is so similar to Quinn saga and sadly Tom Gilmartin is now deceased. Scandalous what went on back then and still allowed to happen!

I was appalled at the corruption at the heart of Government; many of the same people were involved with Sean Quinn initially but we must remember that it was the current government that carried it through. Isn't it time they admitted that there was fraud involved and removed the receiver? The same Dept of Finance personnel are there-- never held to account! The same media seem to have been bought off in an anti-Quinn deluge. Colm Keena wrote the most biased article since the outrage at the attendance at Quinn rallies-- I think the same paper depicted 10,000 people as "Clowns, Fools, Culchies" etc.--. Surely it is time the media did some proper research rather than taking all that a disillusioned CEO tells them as fact. It was disgraceful and unrealistic coverage! Let someone come and talk to the workers and find out the truth-- even if we are now gagged!!

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