
Sunday 15 June 2014

Alas! Alas! Where to for Glass?

Often I am embarrassed and ashamed of myself and my colleagues in Quinn Glass; we, (apart from a few who got great grief and some lost their jobs) failed to support workers in other areas of the businesses when they protested; we didn't attend rallies in support of the man whose genius and initiative provided the jobs initially; we were “The Nothing People” from the well known poem--
“They will not rock the boat
But did you ever see them pull an oar....

They will not hurt you
They merely will not help you.”

Were we influenced by our boss, Adrian Curry and his loud mouthed supporters who kept insisting we should look after ourselves? I think we were!

Where are we now? Those who told us how to behave were certainly looking after themselves; they were currying favour with Paul O Brien, Mc Ginley, King, Leonard and the others who betrayed their areas and their principles.

Now Adrian Curry got his “30 pieces of silver” in modern currency of £188,000 increase in salary ….to a staggering £585,000. That is £11,250 a week and we have been cut in our pay by losing bonuses. This is Curry's pay-off for colluding with Paul O Brien and the bond holders to buy glass. For us ,in Derrylin it is nearing the end of the road. No more maintenance of our plant; no more money being spent and then...... a big move to Elton. There is no future for us in Derrylin.

The only slight satisfaction (but an own goal) is that this will not suit the men who backed Curry throughout; Mc Govern, Mc Barron, O Reilly etc.etc all have houses and families locally and it won't suit them either. They will look well crawling to QBRC if that deal goes ahead is spite of all the obstacles being put in its way.

Glass in Derrylin has no long term future.

“God and Satan, get together
And protect us from the nothing people”

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