
Thursday 5 June 2014

Getting Back To The Roots Quinn's don't owe any money.

Last week IRBC stooped to a new low and in the coming months watch as they do everything they can to smear the Quinn Family even more.

They are very worried what we will hear coming out from there shadowy world  next April  and they don't want the people to know how they operate.  A big clean up is need in all these Government Dept's and many of these old cronies should be sent to a home for criminals, "Jail".

IRBC are backed up in this  smear campaign by The Dept Of Finance and as mentioned in Noonan's letter  published on here about the sale of Quinn Group companies when he said  "he was not involved" in the Quinn issue anymore but K.Wallace still had to get permission from the Dept of Finance (and they gave it) of which Mr Noonan is the boss to pay out taxpayers money to questionable people for questionable information. Who signed that off in the Dept of Finance?

It seems that when it suits them they are in control but when the shit hits the fan they are all denying any involvement or else they cannot remember. Remember when Duke said "he didn't want to put it in writing to the Dept Of Finance". I wonder what that was about? That  suits them well as they all seem to have very bad memory and no paper trail when it suits them. "I wonder why?".

The fact is still no Court has proving that the Quinn's owe any debt at all to IRBC. Yet they continue to  intimidate the family day after day with the Power Of The State and using Taxpayers money to do this intimidation.

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