
Thursday 5 June 2014

Paul Has A New Bed Partner McNally. Naughty Naughty Paul. Do you not ever learn from your mistakes?

ANOTHER BLOW TO AVENTAS LORRY DRIVERS? It appears that Management at the former Quinn Group are determined to strike fear into the hearts of the drivers at the company. 

We have learned that a new company has been set up called Aventas Logistics Ltd and has applied to for a licence for 220 goods vehicles and 300 trailers with a base at Gortmullen. 

What is shocking is that it is alleged that HR will not talk to drivers about their concerns about their contracts of employment and their terms and conditions. 

Aventas Management must now hold the record for alienating employees and causing mayhem and worry. 

It is staggering to thing that Paul O'Brien is trying to sell the company and a bid is on the table from QBRC which would resolve the entire situation but this bid is being compromised along with the future of all employees. 

While this regime continues, it is vital that workers have someone to represent them as they are being made dirt of.

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