
Tuesday 3 June 2014

Is the Department of Finance involved in a major cover-up?

Why did the Dept.of Finance allow IBRC to listen to and follow misleading trails by unidentified informants? According to media reports (and they were the only ones in court to hear) the Dept. of Finance gave the go-ahead to Kieran Wallace to follow the trail of 2 individuals leaking false information in return for money.

This is the same Dept. of Finance, who together with Mr. Paul Gallagher the then Attorney General and Mr Patrick Neary Regulator, conspired with Anglo- Irish bank to implement an illegal share support scheme. Mr. Gallagher was an adviser to the Minister of Finance on the night of the bank guarantee in 2008 and probably realised shortly afterwards that it was a wrong decision. However since then he has been shifting the blame and defending Anglo with the old board, the new board and now with Mr. Kieran Wallace. For 6 years he has been vilifying the Quinn family in a very vindictive way, in his efforts to exonerate Anglo's wrongs and those who knew about them.

Mr. Matthew Elderfield had to be aware of the illegal share support scheme, which when made public, would reflect very poorly on his office as the previous Regulator was guilty of negligence, at least.
Did the Dept of Finance, together with Mr Gallagher and Mr. Elderfield come up with a plan to hide this illegality by getting rid of the Quinn family, by leaving them penniless?

There are numerous inexplicable actions which point in that direction and no evidence produced regarding the legal advice obtained eg the placing of Quinn- direct into administration; the placing of a receiver in Quinn Group; the sacking of Sean Quinn's senior staff who knew what was going on; now the acceptance of information from anonymous sources. 

Another interesting question--Is it fraud to give money for the type of information presented in court last week?

Please show your friends in the media,the legal advice obtained by the Department of Finance and they might publish it.

That will be interesting!

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