The Minister for Finance, Mr Michael Noonan TD, has asked me to reply to your e-mail of 5 January 2012 to the Taoiseach, Mr. Enda Kenny TD, which has been referred to this Department for direct response to you.
The Minister has therefore, nothing further to add to his previous correspondence with you in relation to Quinn Insurance and the broader Quinn group.
Yours sincerely
Sean Kinsella
Runaí Aire
Noonan appears to forget who pays his wages.
It is up to all of us to get the answers about why he facilitated the sellout of the Quinn Group for the benefit of bondholders. Telephone his office at 1890661010 at ask why he told the people of Ireland on 14th Apr. last the the bondholders had taken a big hit-in the region of 50% on the Anglo "deal" on Quinn.
This was a lie-They took no hit whatsoever.
Play your part and insist that he explains why he misled. Its our money that it being flushed down the toilet in this scam.
What do you expect from that man. Look at his record. Took a woman to court on her death bed.
Don't expect to get any answer from HIM.
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