Another Rally has been organized for Sunday 16th September at 5pm in Ballyconnell, Co. Cavan, in support of, not only the Quinn family, but all those who have been bullied and abused by the Banks.
If the DPP's action against three former executives of Anglo Irish Bank is successful, namely in establishing that they acted illegally, can ANGLO still pursue the Quinn family for the alleged €2.3bn? In other words, can the bank litigate to recover monies that a court has held to have been lent illegally? Did the Government sanction the seizing of the Quinn Group on the basis of the undisputed debts of 445 million or was it the 2.3 billion?
Why has the Financial Regulator refused to provide a copy of the professional advice that he presumably received prior to pressing the nuclear button by putting Quinn Insurance into administration, an act that will ultimately cost the people of Ireland billions?
Why are the citizens of this country being denied the truth?
Are people aware that Mike Aynsley, CEO on ANGLO, is by far the highest paid state employee in this country, €866,000 approx. for one year at broken Anglo? That is four times more than An Taoiseach!! In Anglo's 2011 annual report, it discloses that 17 key staff including Aynsley, were paid €6m. How much would this €6m do in our disastrous HSE?
This next rally has been brought about after CIC has been inundated with messages from people who are extremely angry at the way they have been treated either as individuals or small businesses. They feel the time has come for people to make a statement, loud and clear - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
ALL of the Irish people need to be educated on how they have been manipulated and defrauded. If they all could see that they are being treated exactly like the Quinn family, then there will indeed be a revolution. And a revolution is sorely needed in this country. Not a bloody revolution but a revolution of education, of information, of thinking, a sweeping people's revolution that will lead to true government of the people, by the people, for the people.
Patricia Gilheany,
Tel 0871497787 or 0719645588
Concerned Irish Citizens
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