The public rebellion in relation to the household tax marks the beginning of the Irish People
letting the Government know that they are no longer
prepared to tolerate waste. All hell will break loose when the ordinary people of IReland
realize that Anglo are squandering a minimum of 2 million euros of our money A WEEK
in its vendetta against Sean Quinn for NO return. Compare that with what was on offer
from Quinn just 12 months ago which would have seen the return of billions at NO cost
to the taxpayer. But then of course, Aynsley and Co might not have been able to justify
their salaries of 866,000 euros approx. euros a year. The Government is afraid to annoy
Dennis O'Brien who had serious findings leveled against him, as they say that he brings a
lot of jobs into Ireland. Compare that to the absolute hatred and revulsion that they
demonstrate to the greatest job creator this country has ever produced, Sean Quinn
and it makes absolutely no sense except of course that O'Brien controls a large segment
of the media and the media has been the tool that Anglo has misused to a despicable
degree in its war with Quinn. Now we hear that Noonan has cleared the way for large
bonuses for bankers. A suggestion was made a long time ago that mortgage holders
should be encouraged to refrain from paying their mortgages as long as Anglo are
given a free rein to squander our money re. Quinn. Watch this space for further
developments in this regard.
The distorted type- set of this article represents the distorted and lack of joined up thinking by our National Parliament who are facilitating this scandalous rip- off.
How many million more euros of our money will they misappropriate without accountability before some of our public representatives cry halt.
They will start a tribunal in 10 years and investigate the Quinn/Anglo saga. Run it for 10 years and no decision will be made on anything when complete just like the Mahon tribunal.
What a shower of wasters.
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