
Monday 26 November 2012

Crucial Public Meeting

C R U C I A L  P U B L I C  M E E T I N G  R E. O N G O I N G  J O B  L O S S E S 
A T 
F O R M E R  Q U I N N  C O M P A N I E S.

As a result of the devastating news that there were more than 35 jobs lost in the Quinn Group in the last week and that Liberty Mutual are to make 285 employees redundant, this now brings the total number of job losses at former Quinn companies to a figure in excess of 1,600.

This situation has now reached CRISIS point and it is time for action. All public representatives, County Councillors, Community leaders, Sports clubs and all members of the public are invited to attend this crucial meeting. We need our public representatives to show leadership to stem this hemorrhaging of jobs and to work together to find a way forward.

As the very survival of our communities is at stake,

you are now invited to attend

a crucial Public Meeting

in Ballyconnell Community Centre

on Sunday 2nd December 2012 at 6p.m.

We trust you will attend.
Yours sincerely, Maureen Martin 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The workers in Quinn Manufacturing can sit back and think that their jobs are safe but I can tell you jobs will go unless the workers get off their asses and do something about it. The same in Liberty Insurance in Cavan an Enniskillen. You can lick their asses all you want but when the time come to get rid of you no mercy will be shown and in years to come you can tell your children I sat back and did nothing. Fight now before its too late. Where will you get another job. Who will pay your bills.