
Tuesday 14 May 2013

Same Old Story The Cart Before The Horse

Yet once again  today we have seen that in Ireland you have no Justice system  that anyone could respect. They imposed on Peter Darragh Quinn and others a fine of a magnitude that few find hard to believe.

This bank (Anglo) is supposed to be non-existent but somehow they can appear from the dead and  get Judge Kelly to hand them someone else's money from three different avenues. Two companies in Russia and Peter Darragh Quinn.

If you go after this Zombie bank they don't exist we are told.

It is beyond a joke as if they will ever get a cent even if these individuals had this type of money in the first place.

The only people who had this type of money was Anglo who handed it out to buy their own shares and prop up Anglo.

Anglo has no rights over any Quinn Property and this will be shown in a court of law that's if it ever gets  to court as I am sure corrupt officials will go to desperate means to stop it and we are seeing this every day.

If a bank wants a judgement against the Quinn Family they have it right away yet when the Quinn Family try to overturn some ruling it takes months and years to get a reply and usually it's a NO.

In the end justice will prevail over time and who will then have to pay the Quinn Family for the lost of Quinn Insurance, Quinn Property and Quinn Group?

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