
Monday 19 May 2014

Al Long Last.

A date has been set for an action being taken by Seán Quinn's family over liability for €2.3bn loans from the former Anglo Irish Bank.
The case of Patricia Quinn and her five children had been parked until the criminal trial of three former senior Anglo executives had concluded.
The Commercial Court was told this morning that a date had been agreed for the trial to begin in April 2015.
Peter Kelly asked to hear the view of the Director of Public Prosecutions who had originally asked for a stay on the case going ahead.
This afternoon, Paul Anthony McDermott, acting for the DPP, said the director had no objection to the case proceeding and did not believe it would impact on any outstanding cases in the criminal proceedings.
Mr Justice Kelly lifted the stay and directed that the case could begin on 13 April next year.
He was told it could run for four to eight months.
The Quinn family is denying liability for the loans claiming they were given illegally by the bank to prop up its share price.

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