
Tuesday 13 May 2014

Quinn Packaging Sale Nearly Complete

News is reaching  us from internal sources that Paul O'Brien is in advanced negotiations with two companies for the sale of the Packaging Plant.

This is happening at the same time that QBRC have put in a bid for the Quinn Group as one entity.

It is now plain to see that Paul O'Brien has no intention in dealing with QBRC.  Yesterday once again Paul O'Brien gave the QBRC bid  the two fingers by renaming the Quinn Glass which was postponed from last week due to the serious accident in the UK on a construction  where  for the first time ever in the history of the Quinn Group a structural  design fault  nearly cost the lives of two construction workers.  One worker is very seriously injured. This will cost them dear and senior Directors should be held responsible and jailed.

The bad news for workers beside  Paul O'Brien giving the  two fingers to the QBRC bid is that the English company RPC preferred bidders most likely to buy Packaging  want only the order books and machinery and move all to England.

That's 150 people on the dole in the border regions. Very sad day for all workers as its now clear that workers rights mean nothing when big money and greed are at play.

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