
Saturday 17 May 2014

The one message from this week’s Newstalk show was that none of the businesses are going anywhere even if present management think all they have to do is sell Quinn Packaging and nothing will be done about it. That will not be allowed to happen.  We will not allow 150 people to be put on the dole  from Quinn Packaging.

That's the Red Line.

The border community is ready and waiting for any signs that any companies in Quinn Group are about to be given away.

Just like Lagan and CEVA were told where to go the same goes for RPC or whoever else that has their eyes on any of the Quinn companies.

The only person who ever done anything for this region was Sean Quinn.  All past and present Governments and 99 % of politicians have failed the border region and that goes for all the Party's. 

This is a message to all perspective buyers.
We are now asking any outside companies who are considering purchasing any of the Quinn Companies now to withdraw any offers or dealings you may have with present Quinn Management and the simple reason is this.

"Sean Quinn companies were stolen after a crooked deal was drawn up between Murdoch McKillop and Anglo Irish Bank. A deal that went horrible wrong for them and cost the Irish State Billions.

The issue that caused it all (Cross Guarantees on Quinn Properties which are still fiercely contested by Price Waterhouse who audited the books of Quinn Group saying they were legal) and still waiting to have its day in court and it's seems unlikely that it will even happen this year". 

The Regulator stepped in and said these Cross Guarantees were not valid and set in motion the process of stealing the companies. Although asked numerous times for the legal advice he took on these Cross Guarantees no response too date. 

One company needed the other to survive.  Forget about CFD and all the spin we have heard. It started with Cross Guarantees and that needs to be settled once and for all. Were these Cross Guarantees legal or not?

Then Anglo giving money to buy their own shares supported by the Regulator and Dept of Finance has to be addressed fully.

It now appears that they have realized what they done was illegal and like so many other court cases they waste millions until the final hour and then pay out “are we not seeing this every day”?

How much did the Anglo case cost and how much will the banking inquiry cost and what will we get from it? NOTHING

When people are suppressed and good men put in jail while other walk free then people turn to other ways as was mentioned on the NewsTalk radio. 

Are we supposed to do lie down and get trampled on? That’s what they thought day one but that will not happen.


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