
Monday 13 April 2015

Its interesting how all the guns are blazing once again trying to discredit Sean Quinn before the the Big Trial in June.

Arlene Foster (Enterprise Trade and  Investment Minister) strange remarks to the Irish News published today are a disgrace and she should be ashamed of herself. 
She is well known for backing the looser and she is still deluded in who now owns the Quinn Businesses in Derrylin. 

"Let us remind her its not Aventas and her buddy Paul" 

Lack of Erne Investment down to Quinn Publicity she is now claiming".

This is her way of putting the blame on someone else's shoulder for her incompetence and failing miserably to bring any worth while jobs to Fermanagh.

A few weeks ago she was singing the  praises for a new Call Centre which would employ 250 people on the minimum wage just about. 

If these are the type of businesses she attracts who would want to work in Northern Ireland.
Slave labour  is  what we call it, but she also said they could extra by becoming Team Leaders. Now isn't that wonderful news, an extra pound as a T.L.
Canada, Australia,  hear we come at least we will get paid good money for working.

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