
Thursday 30 April 2015

When the news broke, it was said that he was going to "resign". It was later changed to "retire". Will he disappear over the summer just like Matthew Elderfield?
He still has not provided an answer to the question detailed in written correspondence from CIC: Can the Central Bank provide a copy of the legal/professional advice presumably sought by the Financial Regulator prior to putting Quinn Insurance into administration based on what we now know was an erroneous or deliberate misinterpretation of alleged cross guarantees between Quinn Insurance and Quinn Group.
Is there a big story about AI going to break??? Were they engaged before Sean Quinn went to jail and if so, is this not confirmation that Sean Quinn Snr. and Jnr. were sent to jail in the wrong as IBRC was NEVER really interested in working with the Quinns to get the property back.
What was redacted about the Quinns in the documentation obtained by Catherine Murphy under FOI?
Separately, we note that Michael McAteer and Paul McCann are still listed as Directors of Mantlin Holdings Ltd (the company that is trespassing over the land and property of locals). The IBRC strategy on Quinn sure made a lot of fat cats even fatter while decimating the taxpayers and the people in the Border Region and still not a sound from our Elected Representatives.
Despite numerous attempts to contact Nicola Tallant, Investigations Editor with the Sunday World, to set the record straight about the ownership of the land going up to Windfarm, we have so far not had our messages to her, returned. We expect that she will listen to the facts and not fiction.

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