
Saturday, 2 May 2015

On Tues. 28th April. I emailed and telephoned the Sunday World to ask to speak to Nicola Tallant (the journalist who wrote the article about the Wind Farm in last week's edition). I also provided my telephone number and said that I had an important story to tell. After all, I felt it was important that the readers be made aware of the fact that the land in question is owned by local farmers and that Mantlin Windfarm Holdings Ltd are well aware of this and their workers are trespassing on land that they have no legitimate or legal right to do so.
Today, three days later, Ms Tallant left a voice message on my phone. I rang her back and suggested that she should check the deeds of the land in question with the land registry office. She was not remotely interested. She told me that if I wanted this side of the story told that I should get the farmers to ring her and produce the legal evidence that they own the land. I reminded her that as a so called investigative journalist, it was her duty to investigate and not take the word of Paul O'Brien etc. I asked her if she had seen the deeds or legal documents saying that the access was owned by Mantlin. Her reply was "That is neither here nor there". I rest my case. I understood that being an investigative journalist meant that they had a duty to actually investigate the facts. The Press Council, may be interested in investigating a so called investigative journalist who allegedly disrupted staff this week by going into their workplace and sticking a microphone in front of workers.
Is Mise,
Patricia Gilheany,
Concerned Irish Citizens.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If she was ducked in the river the next time she calls she might wake up to reality.