
Saturday 17 May 2014


Grafton Group have published their results for the first quarter of this year. Guess what? Their profits have increased 14% on the same quarter last year. This follows on from stellar performance and increasing profits from other building-related companies like CRH and Kingspan. Yet Aventas continue to blame the recession for their fortunes (or their dwindling fortune).

Aventas are claiming a slight profit but when interest and depreciation are taken into account they are trading at a loss (not to mention the pillaging of stock piles and sell-off of capital equipment to fudge the figures).

Perhaps Paul O'Brien's wage such be doubled to €2million next year as it seems the worse the company performs relative to its competitors and the more environmental problems it has, the more he earns. Because, of course, he's not to blame for Aventas underperforming the market. It's the recession.

Public Representatives, what do you have to say about this? We, and more importantly the voters know the handful of local politicians who have actually done something about this grave injustice. We thought the Quinn Proposal was a done deal 3 and a half years ago, which would have protected the jobs but it fell at the last hurdle as it was dismissed by the powers that be. It is by no means a certainly that QBRC will not be stopped too so don't say that you have not be warned and asked to DO SOMETHING. If you are serious about wanting to help get QBRC through the door and help them to save our communities, YOU HAVE UNTIL FRIDAY TO PROVE TO THE ELECTORATE THAT YOUR WORDS ARE NOT JUST WAFFLE AND NEVER MIND THE DUBLIN BOSSES.


Anonymous said...

If the figures were good they would have published them ages ago. They must be in a terrible state.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what they are hiding?

Anonymous said...

The game is up finally.

Anonymous said...

QBRC need to be careful the company could be in a worst state than any one thinks. They must be broke living on what they can sell day by day. If the sell packaging that will keep them going for another few months.

Anonymous said...

no one will buy packaging them books are probably cooked as well. They would give it away for a few million with no questions asked.